Our Appointment System




patients using online access

Patient Access

Book face-to-face or telephone appointments with your nurse or clinician at a time that suits you.

Your details and information are protected by the highest standards of online security, so all you need to worry about is what to do with the spare time you’ve earnt.



Problems booking online appointments?



Drop into any of our surgeries or telephone our dedicated Patient Services Team on 01732 870212

Our experienced Patient Services Team are trained and skilled to triage calls and will ask several questions in order to get you booked with the most suitable clinician:

  • You will need to confirm your name and DOB, and your contact details. It is important that we have check these details for data protection but also to ensure we have the most up to date contact details for you on our system.
  • We will ask you your symptoms and the nature of the health problem

book appointment with GP


how to book an appointment with our gps

  • We will advise you of the most appropriate action to take, this will not always be a face to face appointment with a doctor, it might be a telephone consultation or a face to face appointment with another type of clinician. A full list of our Primary Care Professionals can be found here under  WMGP Team Introduction
  • You are able to book some appointments up to 4 weeks ahead perfect for when you need to book a follow up apt for 4 weeks’ time
  • Limited advanced bookings with a GP are available up to 1 week ahead
  • If it is urgent we will organise a call back by a member of the Duty Team, this is a Doctor and a Nurse working together daily to deal with conditions that need urgent on the day attention.
  • The Duty Team can then either a) treat you by phone or b) offer you an appointment that day if they feel it is necessary
  • Sometimes the best action is a telephone consultation and not a face to face appointment with your own GP who will call you back. The receptionist will tell you when the next available day is. Please bear in mind that it could be several days before your GP can call you due to the GPs working days, annual leave etc.

A consistent issue from your feedback is the length of time to wait for non urgent appointments. To address this we have recently opened more extended hour slots in the evenings and on Saturday mornings. Please click here to view our opening times


What to expect when you are referred to a specialist

  • Tests and Investigations: The specialist will order all of the tests you need and will communicate the results to you. If you have not heard about your results please contact their secretary at the hospital 
  • Prescriptions: If the specialist prescribes a new drug or changes ones they will provide the first prescription. You might need to collect it from the hospital pharmacy
  • Sick or Fit Note (Med3): If you need to be certified as unfit for work as a result of treatment provided, the specialist should issue a sick note when you leave hospital. Please ask if you need one
  • Follow Up Appointments/Onward Referrals: If you need a follow up appointment or an onward referral to another specialist the hospital will provide it. Please ask the specialists' secretary if it does not arrive in a timely way

In summary, the specialists are responsible for: 

  • Looking after your test results
  • Providing a prescription when needed
  • Issuing a sick note if required 
  • Providing you with a follow up or onward referral if necessary

NHS Choices Alternative Services

If you need medical advice or treatment but you don’t need to see a GP, there are some alternatives you can try instead. These are useful services in lots of situations including if you are away from home or if the GP surgery is closed.

For example:

These services don’t require you to make an appointment or register as a patient.


Further information