If you are experiencing breathlessness or diagnosed with a lung condition, have you thought about ‘social prescribing’?

Social Prescribing’ is a new NHS funded initiative, provided by the charity Involve in your area.

It means additional support around your non-medical needs, to help you feel better and make the most of local groups and services.

A Social Prescribing ‘Link Worker’ acts as your advisor and coach to help you feel less anxious, low or lonely, and ensure you have all the tools, services and support you need to live well, eg:

  • Gentle and specialised exercise groups and sessions, eg walking, swimming and chair based exercise
  • Singing groups, virtual and face to face including groups especially for breathless people
  • Social and peer support, to connect you with others experiencing breathing problems or around your hobbies and interests
  • Support for your family or anyone who helps look after you
  • Practical advice and support eg finances, entitlements and housing
  • Community and volunteer Transport services to help get out and about
  • Wellbeing support such as talking therapies or mental health advice and groups
  • Links to national organisations, helplines and online support

“You are incredibly easy to talk to, non-judgmental, and helpful”

To find out more, please call us on 03000 810005 and ask for the Breathing specialist Link Worker or email us at