Infection Control Annual Statement

Latest update: 22/10/21





The annual statement will be generated annually in September. It will summarise:

  • Any infection transmission incidents and any action taken (These will be reported in accordance with our Significant Events Procedure,
  • Details of any infection control audits undertaken and actions undertaken
  • Details of any control risk assessments undertaken
  • Details of staff training
  • Any review and update policies and procedures and guidelines


West Malling Group Practice’s Infection Control Lead is Tracy Skates ANP.


Significant events

No significant events to report on this audit.



Last audit was carried out on the 12/10/2021.

No major issues were identified.

Minor issues identified:

  • Edging to floors in some clinical rooms needs repairing.

The inadequacies that were identified are being addressed to ensure compliance is achieved.


Practice cleaning

West Malling Group Practice employ its own cleaners. Audits will be regularly carried out to  ensure standards are met in terms of cleanliness and hygiene.

All staff are aware of the importance of infection control and encouraged to report any issues to Infection Control lead or the Practice Manager in her absence.

There have been no reports from patients regarding issues with regards to cleanliness for hygiene.


Staff training

Staff undertake mandatory annual infection, prevention control training.


Curtains (consulting rooms)

Modesty curtains in all consultation rooms are changed 6 monthly or earlier as necessary.


Toys and magazines

Toys and magazines are no longer provided in our waiting rooms as part of our prevention of infection management.  Patient safety is paramount.


Our infection control policies and procedures are reviewed on an annual basis and will be amended and reviewed sooner in line with any legislation or NHS England guidelines requirements.

Debbie Dean Practice Manager

On Behalf of West Malling Group Practice