New Appointment & Enquiry System: Anima




Introducing “Anima” - Our New Appointment & Enquiry System

We are pleased to announce the introduction of a new Total Triage Service ‘Anima’, which has replaced our current appointment system. Anima has been designed to enable us to manage the growing demand more efficiently. 

All medical queries will need to go through this tool. The exception will be routine repeat prescription requests and long term condition review appointments which will be managed the same as at present. Appointments for nursing services and blood tests will need to be made over the phone initially but will be reviewed in due course.

Anima seamlessly and confidentially integrates with your medical record bringing improvements to how you access care and appointments and how our staff assess your condition. Anima allows our Clinical Triage Team to continue to improve access times by helping us to direct you to the most appropriate care for your medical needs. This ensures we make use of our limited resources in the most safe and efficient way. All appointments will continue to be offered according to clinical urgency and need.

  • Your request will be handled in exactly the same manner whether: You complete the Anima request online yourself via the link on our website, or contact us via telephone, where our receptionists will ask the same questions and complete the same form on your behalf to ensure equity of access for all patients.
  • We would encourage all patients who can do so to access Anima via our website, as this will keep the telephone lines free for those who do not have internet access.
  • Completing an Anima request yourself also provides you with more discretion should you prefer not to discuss your medical problem with one of our receptionists.
  • You are able to register now in readiness for the launch on the 15th May 2024. 
  • More information is available on the Anima website.
  • We would like to ask for your patience whilst we change to Anima as we are aware that introducing any new system may have some teething troubles, however we are not anticipating any disruption.
  • We have listened to patient feedback regarding access to our service and hope you find Anima easy to use. We are really excited about this change and the benefits it will bring to all our patients and staff.

Need help registering?

Help with registering is available at Ryarsh Village Hall on Monday 29th July 2024 from 12pm to 2pm.

Ryarsh Village Hall
Birling Road
ME19 5LS


What are the benefits to me as a patient?

  • Being able to log on to see the status and outcomes of your current and past requests. (Coming Soon: NHS Login will link to Anima)
  • You will be asked questions based on your issues (asked without medical jargon)        
  •  The practice responses will be clearer
  • You will receive a text message and email to let you know when the practice has responded (no more missing emails in the junk box)
  • You can provide all the information that the practice needs without waiting on the phone

What are the benefits to the practice?

  • We will see your request in a clear structured format
  • We will be able to save all the information about your requests in a structured way into your medical records – This will help staff when looking at your records for this episode of care or in the future
  • As patients can see the status of their request, we should get less duplicates that clog up the system
  • Your requests will be cleared to understand at first glance and so the team will be able to allocate correct people, thus making our turn around more efficient
  • Your requests will come into our system with a Red, Amber, Green rating with clear information about what responses have trigger the rating. This will allow the team to focus on any urgent requests
  • We will be able to provide clearer responses due to the way that Anima builds the response as we perform actions. These responses will be safer as well as it will be secured behind a log in.

Register online for Anima online

Submit your request online to quickly get the care you need to:

  • get help for medical problems
  • ask for sick notes or update details
  • all requests go straight to the triage team
  • no more queuing on the phone
  • and much, much more



Further Information

Published: Apr 12, 2024